Late last week I caught employment’s common cold: “paralysis by analysis.” After several weeks of productive work, I suddenly sensed my motivation beginning to slack. Tasks that usually took me an hour to complete were taking longer; ideas were few and far between; and my vigor all of the sudden […]
Monthly Archives: July 2013
I have written some blog posts in the previous incarnation of this web site, but I guess this is my first post for the official 7 Generation Games blog, so I will start off with a brief introduction for those who are not familiar with my role at 7 Generation […]
Technical Obstacles in the Use of Water in a 3D ...
Whenever I read articles about the need for more diversity in tech start-ups it is with mixed feelings. While I completely agree with the sentiment that we need more than “Zuckerberg clones selling to yuppies”, the typical comment like in this Fast Company article that companies targeting a diverse market […]
We are not a unicorn!
On Thursday, 7 Generation Games sent me on my first-ever networking assignment. Lucky for me, the event I attended was a drinkubator. This made it fun and easy to engage with the other attendees as each new encounter generally prompted the order of another cocktail. “I could get used to […]
The Intern Diaries: “Drinkubator Discoveries”
“Game design is 10% inspiration and 90% staring at math trying to figure out why things don’t work.” Thank you Stephen Mangold @steve85uk on twitter for that almost completely true quote. Actually, it’s more like 10% inspiration, 30% staring at code and 60% a bunch of stuff I hadn’t really […]
The Unexpected Pieces (& People) in Game Design
Here at 7 Generation Games, we’ve been working on perfecting our pitch. Contrary to what it might seem like when you see someone present an outstanding pitch, a pitch that looks effortless is anything but. We all know those people who say, “I don’t want to practice what I’m going […]
Pitch Perfect
Returning home this week after my in-office visit to Santa Monica, I found myself moving at a snail’s rate as I ventured south on the 101 Freeway during rush hour. A poor move on my part, I know. But after a few minutes of frustration, I began to see this […]
The Intern Diaries: “What’s Lacking In Education Today?”
The names have been changed to protect the clueless …. So, I went to a meet-up on gaming a while back where people who had NO experience in education, science, engineering or mathematics talked about how they were going to program games for STEM. They said things like, The government […]
Why our Meet-up Rocked (and others didn’t)
Hello 7 Gen Games fans, users, and supporters! My name is David. I am the company’s new intern, or as we like to call it here at 7 Gen Games, the new “Research Associate.” Sounds more official, doesn’t it? Anyways, as a RA this summer, it will be my duty […]
The Intern Diaries
I just finished Level 0 of the upcoming Fish Lake game. Level 0 in each game has two purposes: Be a fun way to learn how to play the game. Players walk around in a 2-D version of the “real” virtual world. They shoot things, jump, move around, learn to […]
Why did you shoot the grandfather?
Will you be in Las Vegas this Friday? Do you work in education (either for a school, district, educational technology company or are somehow tied to education)? Did you back us on Kickstarter? If you answered yes to at least two of those questions, you’re invited to the 7 Generation […]