Want to work with us? That’s a rhetorical question. Of course, you do. Now, here’s your chance. We’re looking for a paid intern who can commit to roughly 10 hours a week. Our basic pre-requisites: – You have to be reliable. Moreover, you need to understand that deadlines are absolutely […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
I swear on this stack of fish that I will never criticize software manufacturers again. I realize a stack of Bibles is the traditional swearing on stack but I did not have a picture of that, whereas as fish stack was available. Also, if as very probable, this turns out […]
I Will Never Bad-mouth Microsoft Again
7 Generation Games integrates math, adventure gaming and Native American history. In eight weeks, students who played our games scored 300 percent higher on post-test. Aligned with Common Core standards. Culturally and historically accurate portrayal. Launched product on Spirit Lake Nation. Work directly with tribes portrayed, employ tribal members, used […]
7 Generation Games at EdCampMSP
If you’ve never read Sojourner Truth’s wonderful speech, “Aint I a Woman” given at the Women’s Convention in 1851, you have missed out. Here is my favorite part: That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best […]
Ain’t We a Start-up?
Last week, our cultural consultant Dr. Erich Longie and our co-founder Maria Burns Ortiz traveled to Prior Lake, Minnesota (right outside of the Twin Cities) to attend the biennial Minnesota Indigenous Language Symposium. The event brings together Native Americans from across Minnesota and the surrounding areas to discuss issues relating […]
7 Generation Games at Minnesota Indigenous Language Symposium
In designing Fish Lake, we have largely followed the Common Core State Standards and closely studied test questions from the various samples released to give schools an idea what to expect. There are times, however, when Common Core and I are at odds. For one thing, the assertion that one […]
The Common Core and Me
Jugglers don’t get paid very well – and sometimes the balls hit them in the head. That quote is supposed to remind us of the dangers of trying to do too many things at once. Thirty years ago, I was working as an engineer in aerospace, and I swear that […]
Jugglers Don’t Get Paid Very Well
I post here often, as does Maria Burns Ortiz, our Chief Marketing Officer and our intern/ research associate, David Berning. Occasionally, we get a post from Dr. Erich Longie, our senior cultural consultant and Dennis De Mars, our senior game developer. A team we rarely have represented is our artists, […]
Pictures from Fish Lake – watching the game as it’s ...
We’ve had a busy few weeks. As we recently posted, we received a USDA Phase II grant for $450,000. Of course, being notified you’ve received the grant and getting the money deposited in your account are two different things. The last couple weeks started with our CEO and accountant starting […]
Spirituality – and how we know we chose the right ...
Years ago, a client who had called me four times in three days to give me a contract, ended her last call with, “You must be independently wealthy that you don’t want this money I’m trying to give you.” Actually, I was on an American Indian reservation that, at the […]
One BILLION Dollars: Or why we are selling our game ...
A post on “toxic lies about start-up culture” by Shanley Kane really got me to thinking about our company. One of the lies she challenges is that meetings are evil, so you should have as few of them as possible. Our staff spans seven cities in three states, so getting together […]
Meetings are not evil
Following the great success of our Northern California and Las Vegas meetups, we’re thrilled to be hosting another teacher/educator/Kickstarter backer meetup in Los Angeles. (Here’s a link to the PDF version if that’s preferable.) See you there!