Here at 7 Generation Games, our jobs can change from week to week. As a small company, our work is decided not by title but by what most needs to be done. For the last few weeks, Dennis has been working on the 3-D game, making an application that does […]
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Hey, you! Yes, I’m talking to you! You couldn’t be like everyone else, could you? You just had to be an individual. Yes, you, with your shiny brand new laptop running the latest version of Chrome on Windows 8. You, too, Mr. Our-School-Must-Upgrade-Computer-Security. And, I’m talking to you, person running […]
Why It’s Amazing Anything Ever Works At All
Look for life lessons in unexpected places. Given the story that’s about to follow, it would be awesome if I could say that was the fortune that came in my fortune cookie when I ordered Chinese on Monday night. My fortune actually was “Your opinions are highly regarded by others.” […]
The Power of Great Customer Service (Or Why You Should ...
In January, we spent two weeks in North Dakota talking to teachers and observing teachers and students playing Spirit Lake: The Game and Fish Lake. For weeks, we have been working on the changes they recommended and more suggestions that came in as students played the game. Drum roll, please […]
It’s here! It’s everything you asked! Spirit Lake 2.2
Before co-founding 7 Generation Games, I worked 10-plus years as a journalist. The last three of those years, I was juggling being both a journalist and journalism professor. In both positions, I expected perfection from myself and those around me. The expectation for journalists is that you put out something […]
Making Things Pretty – And Perhaps Watching Too Much HGTV
Answers – 50 cents Answers, requiring thought – $100 ———————————————- My favorite joke: The military had purchased a piece of machinery for a cost of $100 million. There was just one problem. It had quit working. After trying everything they could possibly think of without success, they called in a […]
Complicated Is Good
Here at 7 Generation Games, we ignore a lot of advice. Probably the most common piece of advice we ignore is: Everyone is doing iPad games. You should concentrate on tablets. Really? I looked for a Grand Theft Auto iPad version and I couldn’t find one, because, as David Price […]
We’re Not Like Everyone Else
Our CEO, Dr. AnnMaria De Mars, just returned from Iowa where she had the opportunity to speak to a group of 100 middle school students about striving to fulfill the tremendous amount of potential each one of them has. It was a big weekend for us in Iowa in general, […]
Our CEO Talks to Sioux City Middle School Students
Have you ever thought about how many parts there are in a computer game? You need artwork – every single scene has, well, a scene. You need a background. Then you need characters, people, zombies, whatever. You need a story line. It can be simple – the zombies are going […]
Squirting in the education
This post is was written by Dr. Erich Longie, Senior Cultural Consultant for 7 Generation Games. Erich is part of the founding team of 7 Generation Games and oversees our cultural staff to ensure all cultural content is vetted and historically and culturally accurate. He is a long-time educator – […]
Incorporating Culture Into Curriculum Is Easy and Essential

In the final installment of my accelerator application trilogy — because trilogies are very de rigueur — I will tackle some of what we at 7 Generation Games have deemed largely to be pointless accelerator questions. I intentionally say tackle as opposed to answer, because I’m not really sure I […]
Accelerators, Part 3: What Do You Want Us to Say?

Yesterday, I did the Happy Dance in my office when we finished version 2.2 of Spirit Lake. I said that despite taking me away from virtually every other interest in my life, being obsessed with a start-up is worth it. WHY? In thinking it over today, I realized that 7 […]