At age 15, I made a fake ID that said I was 18, left home, got a job and a checking account. That was over 40 years ago and it is probably harder to do in this age of computers when people can check up on you more easily. On […]
It’s the end of another week and that means that it’s time for the Freebie Friday! Today’s freebie is related to our game Fish Lake and it’s a game on fractions. This is a link we like and it’s called the FractOne Math Game. Since our game Fish Lake teaches […]
Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from December 16, 2016 “What comes after you fixed all the bugs?” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. I’ve hardly blogged, answered emails or talked to anyone these […]
Sell the sizzle, not the steak I’ve always hated that Silicon Valley cliche. I know people saying it think they are smartly pointing out that people buy for reasons other than pragmatic ones. We want products that make us feel cool, sexy and superior. That focus on marketing can also […]
Whether or not you backed us on Kickstarter, you’d probably find our Family Textbook hilarious. It’s a book of, you guessed it, our family group text. If you didn’t back us on Kickstarter for $50 or more, you won’t be getting one, but you can still read about what you’re […]
It’s the end of another week and that means that it’s time for another Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is from our game, AzTech Games. The freebie is a video on percentages and it teaches you what a percent is and how to find a percent. View the video on percent […]
If your entire exposure to county extension agents has been the clueless guy on Green Acres, you are about to be pleasantly surprised. I haven’t been blogging much lately because I’ve been criss-crossing the country in planes and automobiles to meet with schools about our games. Maria told me that […]
Happy Friday the 13th! Since it’s Friday, you know what that means. It’s time for another Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is from our game Making Camp. It is a culture video on the Marten Clan. This video teaches you about how Ojibwe tribes were made up of clans, or families, and […]
Three weeks ago, Puerto Rico was hit by a devastating hurricane. Hurricane Maria, a category 5 hurricane, knocked out 100% of the country’s power. Literally no one on the island had electricity. Today, 84% of the country remains without power, water is scarce if at all available, and the situation […]
Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from November 2, 2016 “You May Not Know This About Old Age” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. When I was in my twenties, nearing the end of […]
To go or not to go? Every time an invite comes into my mailbox for X random professional event, the first thing I ask is “Is it going to be worth my time?” Then I immediately reply to myself, “Who ever knows?” That’s the reality with all of these professional […]
Whether you want to develop websites or games, you are likely to run into the problem of designing for multiple devices. You’ll have a page that looks great on a desktop but not on a phone or tablet. One super easy way to look at the page without switching between […]