Yearly Archives: 2018

Maria and AnnMaria
“There’s no history of anything happening until it does. And then there is.” When we were writing “My Fight/Your Fight,” our editor asked if we wanted to start with an epigraph – or quote/sentence/saying to start the book. Ronda knew immediately what she wanted that quote to be – the […]

Making Our Own History

Hello everyone! It’s time for another Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is related to our game Spirit Lake. The freebie is a link we like. The link we like is the Dakota-Lakota page from the website. Overall, the Native Languages website strives to preserve and promote American Indian languages. It […]

Freebie Friday: Links We Like, (Dakota-Lakota)

Happy Freebie Friday! It’s the first Friday of 2018, so welcome to a new year of Freebie Fridays. Today’s freebie is associated with our game Fish Lake and it is another photo of Ojibwa camp life. We previously shared a different photo of an Indian woman drying fish. Today’s photo […]

Freebie Friday: Man Mending His Canoe (historical photo)