I have been teaching for 30 years – middle school, undergraduates, graduate students. I’ve given out my share of failing grades during that time, probably more than most people because in mathematics, statistics and programming courses, there is not much room for giving the student the benefit of the doubt. […]
AnnMaria De Mars

We get a lot of really good ideas from our users, but there are some that are a few tacos short of a combination plate. Here, in no particular order, are the five craziest suggestions I have received. ============== Player: Why are the Indians shooting the deer? I’m vegetarian. I really […]
Top Five Crazy Game Suggestions

My mom used to say that any job was easy if you didn’t have to do it yourself. Mom was right, too. Just look at the number of people who have never stood in front of a class in their life but think teaching is easy. “If this whole doing […]
Any Job is Easy if You Don’t Have to Do ...

Always remember, ladies and gentlemen, while Burroughs had all of its engineers at work inventing a better adding machine, Steve Wozniak was in his garage inventing the Apple computer. Dr. Hastings, a professor in my MBA program back in 1980 said that and I have never forgotten. Within the span […]
Apple didn’t invent a better adding machine

If you have not read Sojourner Truth’s inspiring speech, Aint I a Woman , you are missing out. You can click on this link right now to read it, and don’t skip scrolling down to hear Alice Walker read the speech. You’ll be glad you did. Now, sitting here in […]
Not Sure About Women in Tech Events

No, this isn’t that kind of post. I do want to talk about virtual reality, though. I was reading on twitter comments from people who said, “There are only two kinds of people: those who think virtual reality will change the world and those who haven’t tried it yet.” […]
Virtual Reality and Sex

Note: While this is a positive review of a resource, no one paid me to write it and I would not know the founders of livebinders if they charged at me with a sharp stick. I just thought I’d provide a helpful suggestion to readers of this blog who are […]
A tool for teachers (and students): livebinders

Where are all of the good educational games? Seriously, if you compare the games used in an average classroom and mainstream games like Grand Theft Auto or World of Warcraft, there is a pretty dramatic difference. Don’t even go with the GTA and WoW and other games with a seven-figure […]
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things in Educational Gaming

TRUE STORY: When I was in the seventh grade, our school had a speech contest. I wanted to win simply because I was that obnoxious kid who had to win EVERYTHING. So, I worked really hard, did research, followed the exact format, practiced in front of a mirror, all of […]
Ed Tech, Investors and Bunnies
COME OUT AND MEET THE 7 GENERATION GAMES TEAM 7 Generation Games is preparing to get on the road starting next month, to attend various conferences and expos. Our calendar of events is filling up as we spread the word on how entertaining our games are to play; and the […]
Meet us as 7 Generation Games Hits the Road!

We’re knocking off the last few edits on our grant proposal, we completed the pretest of math scores with 125 students with another 150 to take the test next week. We have hundreds of players participating in the beta tests for Forgotten Trail and Aztech. So, now that we have […]