AnnMaria De Mars

Here are some activities, projects, and experiments that can be done in class or at home. Some are USDA and others are from Ag in the Classroom. Here are 12 for today. Elementary School Science Resources Pre-K to 2nd grade Eggology – will learn what a chick needs for survival […]

Free Agricultural Science Resources for Grades 3-8

Time Spent Learning Your Culture is of the Essence Several years ago, Dr. Erich Longie and I participated in an analysis of the National Indian Education Study database where we found that the more native youth learned their culture and language in school, the worse their math scores. This finding […]

Include Native American Culture in Your Math Class

Math problem
Many times, a student understands two-digit multiplication or division with remainders but still has difficulty solving a problem. Students need to be taught problem-solving strategies We all know how it important it is to keep students engaged and that’s why we have lots of free teacher resources for you, including […]

How to solve a problem: In Spanish and English

robots loose in the Time Travel Academy 1
In my last post, I got most of the Killer Robots game laid out. I did the following: Decided on a story line Got the artwork Created the first screen, the classroom Wrote a function to get the robots to move and another function to get the robots to turn […]

Game design steps with killer robots

Why should we memorize math? I’m astounded that some people consider memorization a universal evil because “We have the internet.” Multiplication tables are searchable in my notes or my device, but are in frequent use. Optimizing learning by memorizing the basics is time and energy well-spent for the long haul. […]

The Case for Memorization