AnnMaria De Mars

Spirit Lake has multiplication word problems
In nearly 30 years teaching and consulting on American Indian reservations, I’ve seen a dismaying number of failures to provide a good education. In the movie, Mask, the mother of a boy with a noticeable physical disfigurement is trying to register him for middle school. The principal says,  Perhaps a […]

Failing Native American students: Let me count the ways

Division Problem from 7 GenGames Youtube Play list
If you’ve decided that summer came early and your children are going to spend the next however long this quarantine lasts watching stupid YouTube videos where celebrities stuff pickles up their nose, we won’t judge you. However, if you’d like some education to happen, check out this division play list, with animated videos that explain everything from what is a dividend to long division with remainders. All the videos are from one and a half to around three and a half minutes.

Yes, Your Kids Can Learn Division on YouTube