
These days, it isn’t every day Navajos work with raw sheep’s wool or even think about crafting with yarn to make something wearable. Though sheep and goats are the traditional and cultural animals most raised by my Navajo people and other tribes of the Southwest, fewer people farm animals than […]

Working with Wool Pt. 1: Shearing, Skirting and Scouring

7 Generation Games is headed to the New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education conference from April 7-9, 2022. This annual state conference will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the Embassy Suites hotel. Get ready for three days of career-empowering knowledge, practices, networking, and practical teaching solutions! Visit our 7 […]

We’re Boosting Bilingual Education at NMABE

We have added a Resource Library webpage on our teacher platform, Growing Math. We have also organized the virtual manipulatives page. What’s in the Resource Library? Are you looking for something to make your lesson just a little more engaging or to reach that student who didn’t understand the first […]

The Growing Math Resources Library

Most of the time, words like “studying” and “vacations”, can sound like complete antonyms. In general, studying at a school can be exhausting, to the point that can become stressful for kids. However, studying by itself may not be as stressful as studying while at school, where kids must past […]

Why is it good to learn during vacations?

The Goldilocks of Instruction Whether you call it differentiated instruction, accommodating individual differences or any other name, we all want the same thing – to deliver instruction that benefits our students, that is, not too easy. not too difficult but just right. Teaching middle school, it was not uncommon for […]

Differentiated Instruction with Growing Math

We recently revisited our game “Forgotten Trail” and made plenty of game updates as well as added accessibility features from feedback we received from educators. With plenty of games in our catalogue and a couple in development, you may be asking, “Why revisit Forgotten Trail?” Great question! For starters, we […]

Continuing on the forgotten trail…