This category is for posts written by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars.
Having a favorite game is not like having a favorite child. It’s okay, really. The favorite game, not the favorite child. Forgotten Trail makes me think of a lot of kids I have met – and of me, as a kid. The world is full of people who are not […]
Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from January 30, 2014 “Don’t Be Defined by Other People” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. My last post, I argued against “blooming where you’re planted”. If you don’t […]
Santiago, Chile In six days, I’ll be on a flight to Santiago. I picked up my visa at the Consulate of Chile this week and I’m good to go. I’ll be working on a game modeled on our best-selling title, Making Camp. (Not sure if “best-selling” is the right word, […]
I applied for the Grow with Google Scholarship because I’ve forgotten more programming than a lot of people know. That’s just my problem, though, I’ve forgotten things. While the last time I coded an array in JavaScript was last week, it’s been at least a couple of years since I […]
If you want to see everyone in our office roll on the floor laughing simultaneously, come in and tell us that you have an idea for an educational game but you need us to promise we won’t steal it before you tell us what it is. You clearly have zero […]
First of all, I want to say I was wrong when, years ago, I said our American students were not that bad at math. I based this incorrect statement on: The fact that rankings on standardized tests are ordinal. So, just like the person who comes in 14th in the […]
Before you get all up in arms, we are keeping the interns we have, but we don’t have the budget for any more at the moment. However, we have work that needs to be done, particularly in sales and marketing. I talked to a few of our investors recently and […]
One of the opening lines of a game we have in prototype, Crossroads, is It’s pretty crazy around here … Unlike that story, though, things have been crazy good. Warning: This is going to sound like one of those annoying Christmas letters. You know the ones, Janey cured cancer right […]
I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know what a Quora session was until someone asked me to do one. Today, as a public service, I will tell you how you can ask me questions on Quora, what a Quora session is and what is Quora. I posted something very similar […]
I’m frequently told that I’m wasting my time talking to teachers. Investors tell me that. Other entrepreneurs tell me that. On occasion, even teachers tell me that. Their very logical point is that teachers often aren’t the ones who make the decisions about buying educational software. While an individual teacher […]
Here’s the problem – at the start of Aztech: The Story Begins, the characters are in a history classroom and have to take a pop quiz. Players click on a highlighted word and three choices appear for definition. Clicking on the wrong definition turns the word red and plays a […]
Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from December 13, 2013 “Demo of Spirit Lake: The Game” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. This is my day job. For those of you who thought […]