Cultural content

Posts that contain material that can be taught in a classroom are tagged as “cultural content.”

7 Generation Games flew to North Dakota this week to meet with school superintendents and teachers to install our educational video games in their classrooms and computer labs. Altogether we met with 52 teachers on our trip and and provided on-site training at five different schools. We were able to visit schools on the Turtle Mountain […]

7 Generation Games North Dakota Tour

If this is your first visit to our website, thank you for taking the time to read our blog and let us introduce ourselves. We are a company that combines math, Native American history and adventure gaming into our video games. The video clip below demonstrates the (awesome) video games that […]

How does 7 Generation Games differ from other companies?

Our cultural consultant, Dr. Longie, wrote: “My mother, a fluent Dakota language speaker, said this about her beloved Dakota language: “It’s very descriptive; you say what you mean and you mean what you say.” This inherent honesty in our Dakota/Lakota/Nakota language made it hard for a Dakota person to be […]

Dakota Values and Games