Education: Innovation and STEM

It is International Women’s Day, so if you’re a woman congrats to you! If you’re a man, then congrats to you too, because you’re blessed with the presence of women every day!  Despite how great it is to be a woman, it does come with its challenges, especially when you’re […]

Woman-Led Companies That Are Making The World Smarter

Here’s one of the things that separate successful startups from people who have good ideas: Execution. In other words, it’s easy to be a “big picture” visionary, it’s doing the million little details that is the hard part. We met on our AzTech Games series earlier this week. Going over […]

Startup Success: Why Little Details Matter As Much As Big ...

Hello World! My name is Cyborg Ean (OK, not really, but it’s what my former students call me), and I’m the newest addition to the 7 Generation Games team as a software development intern.  When I’m not programming our games or consuming the exquisite novelty that is Thai food, I’m […]

Introducing Hour of Code