Educational Games

Tic-tac-toe game for teaching multiplication
If you teach math, you are well aware of how essential it is that students learn basics such as multiplication and division. Of course math shouldn’t be all about rote memorization but if you believe it is a waste of time for students to memorize 9 x 7 = 63 […]

Teaching multiplication: Lesson Plan

Do you know any students who speak Spanish or who want to build their Spanish skills? Bilingual students have stronger cognitive abilities and higher chances of getting employed than their counterparts who only speak one language. Making Camp: Bilingual teaches math and history in Spanish. In the game, players solve challenges and […]

7 Day Summer Sale Day 3 – Get Making Camp ...

Learn time rate distance problems with grandma
Time-rate-distance problems are word problems that involve the distance an object will travel at a certain average rate for a given period of time. This type of problem drives many students crazy. That’s why we find it so helpful to have multiple examples. Okay, maybe this is a 15-minute lesson, […]

Time-rate-distance problems : 10-minute lesson

Learn division with refrigerator magnets
Intern Diaries contribution from Irma Barcena I remember in kindergarten, I would give my mother my work and she would hang it on the fridge. It varied from art and colored pictures. As I got older, it became assignments and tests where I did well, and eventually only the As […]

From papers on the refrigerator to division magnets