Educational Games

Going through our archives, we came across this great post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars from January 13, 2015 “Education is More Important than World Titles” that we wanted to share in case you missed it the first time around. I love Ronda Rousey as much as the next person does. In […]

Throwback Thursday: Education is More Important than World Titles

Life is hard enough without having to install software. That’s why we’re making more and more of our games playable at the click of a button. No, seriously, it’s that easy.  Check it out below.  MAKING CAMP: OJIBWE (Grades 3-4)  Click here to play MAKING CAMP OJIBWE now! (It’s free!) […]

Just Click and Play, It’s That Easy

In the world of video games, there are so many different options it’s nearly impossible to know every single one. Because of this, it’s nearly impossible to know which games are ok for your children to be playing. With all of the violent video games out there, this is crucial […]

We Just Got the Family-Friendly Seal of Approval From Google ...

Here’s the vicious circle, few people like to do things they do very poorly, but it takes practice to get good which they don’t want to do because they are bad at math/ English/ violin/ whatever. It’s amazing that anyone learns anything, isn’t it? We can learn a lot about […]

Helping kids like school: There’s an app for that