Educational Games

Hello everyone! It is time for another Freebie Friday, so happy Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is on division and it’s from Making Camp. You’ve seen our division terms video, right? Great! If you haven’t, then you can always catch it on our YouTube channel where we have really great math […]

Freebie Friday: Division Terms

It’s that time of the week again. You guessed it, it’s time for another Freebie Friday! Today’s freebie is from Spirit Lake and it’s a powerpoint presentation and pdf on probability. The ppt and pdf are an introduction to probability, probability 101. The material teaches you what probability is and […]

Freebie Friday: Probability

Hello everyone! Happy Freebie Friday, where you get educational resources as freebies. Today’s freebie comes from Fish Lake and it’s a powerpoint and pdf on multiplying fractions. Previously we shared a video on adding and multiplying fractions as a Freebie Friday. This powerpoint and pdf is related to that video. […]

Freebie Friday: Multiplying Fractions

Happy Freebie Friday! It’s the first Friday of 2018, so welcome to a new year of Freebie Fridays. Today’s freebie is associated with our game Fish Lake and it is another photo of Ojibwa camp life. We previously shared a different photo of an Indian woman drying fish. Today’s photo […]

Freebie Friday: Man Mending His Canoe (historical photo)