National Native American Heritage Month is celebrated in the month of November. Here are some fun activities that your K-12 students can participate in all year.
Whether you are counting down the last days of the school year or trying to come up with ways to keep your summer school students awake and on task, Google Arts & Culture is a gem. Visit museums virtually, tour national parks, even re-create ancient pottery.
We have added a Resource Library webpage on our teacher platform, Growing Math. We have also organized the virtual manipulatives page. What’s in the Resource Library? Are you looking for something to make your lesson just a little more engaging or to reach that student who didn’t understand the first […]
Break down the language barrier with our English/Spanish #bilingual games. Play "AzTech: Meet the Maya" and "Making Camp Bilingual" for free for the next 30 days! Read our latest blog.
I like good news and today’s post is brimming with it. The American Statistical Association has a page on their site This Is Statistics called “resources for teaching during social distancing” but really, these digital resources are excellent because they can be used any time! Statistics Education Web is awesome! […]
Combining Mayan history and math, learn about distributions and Mayan trading with these two videos. An adventure game, included, kicks off the AzTech Games series. Bilingual Spanish-English
One way to teach students fractions is to have them write their own problems and give the answer. Next, have them solve and discuss each other's problems. Play the Fish Lake game to get some ideas of fractions problems.