Start-up Diaries

Join 7 Generation Games and Armbar Nation on February 28, 2015 for our tweetup in LA before Ronda Rousey’s fight! We will all be meeting up at Tom’s Urban which is directly across the street from the Staples Center from 2-4pm. We can hardly believe that this will be our 6th tweetup that […]

Join us for the Rowdy UFC 184 tweetup in LA ...

Last week I wrote a blog about Expecting the Unexpected and the importance of being prepared for any obstacle that comes your way. The 7 Generation Games team was 1,772 miles from home, had no electricity, internet, or cell phone service, but we were still able to host a successful training session for teachers […]

7 Generation Games North Dakota Tour By Numbers

Last week, 7 Generation Games flew to North Dakota to install our educational video games in five schools on two reservations. AnnMaria De Mars, CEO of 7 Generation Games, has explained MANY times the importance of being prepared for any situation because there are frequently situations that occur where technology just doesn’t […]

Expect the Unexpected

The children are heading back to school, you’re thinking about putting away the decorations, swearing you really will send out Christmas cards next year. To finish off the season, here is our annual holiday letter, sent when we all have a moment to get a cup of coffee and catch […]

A Christmas Letter from 7 Generation Games