“Game design is 10% inspiration and 90% staring at math trying to figure out why things don’t work.” Thank you Stephen Mangold @steve85uk on twitter for that almost completely true quote. Actually, it’s more like 10% inspiration, 30% staring at code and 60% a bunch of stuff I hadn’t really […]
Start-up Diaries

How would you like to become a character in Spirit Lake: The Game? Now you can. In short, go here, read this awesome post, leave a comment (or as many comments are you want) and hope you get picked. We’d like to take credit for this incredible contest, but the […]
‘Skulduggery’ Author Hosts Spirit Lake Contest

It has been a year and three days since we formed 7 Generation Games as a partnership. We should be incorporated in the state of California very shortly. All of our spare time – as well as the time we haven’t been able to spare – has been devoted to […]
Happy Birthday to Us

One of the biggest changes since hiring a CMO is the amount of things that were once on our “if we had someone, this would be great to do” list that we are actually now able to do. We ran our Kickstarter campaign that raised over $21,000 in 21 days. […]
Picking Up Speed: Accelerators and Rejection

The beta version logins of Spirit Lake: The Game have been sent out to everyone who pledged $15 or more to our Kickstarter campaign. (If you backed us and did not receive your login/password, please let us know. You can email us at feedback@7generationgames.com — and we’ll make sure […]
The Next Step: Kickstarter Beta Logins

Thinking of the hard questions If you follow us on social media, you’re aware of our recent Kickstarter campaign. As part of organizing that, we had to address project risks and challenges. We needed to ask ourselves the hard questions: What risks did our project involve? (“Lose money” risks, not […]
Risks and Challenges

Update: Thank you for backing us on Kickstarter! There are myriad opportunities in math, and we want to be part of the journey. Stay tuned! Our Kickstarter project launched today. Please check it out – and consider backing us! Any amount gets us closer to our goal. Also please share us […]
Kickstarter: AzTech Games

Update: Thank you all for backing our games! Our games are providing indigenous and Latin communities with math learning resources. Startups are expensive. We haven’t just been working just on the game, but also on getting the money to cover business and development expenses. We received a $99,900 grant in […]