Freebie Friday: Check Out Our Culture Videos

Congratulations, you’ve survived another week! And for that, we think that you deserve something special for all of your hard work. This is why 7 Generation Games wants to give you a gift for #FreebieFriday.

Did you know 7 Generation Games has a YouTube channel with a ton of great videos on everything from culture to math to technical support? This week’s Freebie Friday item comes from our YouTube page: It’s a collectionĀ of short videos that tie into Dakota culture. The dozen videos featured here cover everything from the tradition of counting coup to the Dakota concept of the afterlife.

If your kids are playing our games already, the videos are a great supplemental resource. If your kids aren’t playing our game, these videos are still a great resource for learning aboutĀ Dakota (Sioux) culture.

You can check the playlist out on our YouTube page by going hereĀ Culture Videos PlaylistĀ or just watch them in the video player below.

Have a great weekend!

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