Freebie Friday: Learning Dakota Vocabulary 1

Happy “May The Force Be With You” Freebie Friday!

Theaters and malls will be packed this weekend, with people either rushing to see the new Star Wars movie and/or finishing up their holiday shopping. Before you get sucked into that madness, ease your way into the weekend by learning how to speak Dakota.

The Dakota-Sioux word and phrases are one of the few remaining Native American languages that this country has, but it’s also in jeopardy of being lost. Younger generations don’t have the opportunity to write or speak the language on a frequent basis and as the language is lost, so is part of the culture.

Dakota man

We’ve heard from many of you on how you enjoy our Native American resources, videos and information. With that in mind, today’s Freebies are easy tutorials covering Dakota words, numbers and phrases. The useful links come courtesy of The Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center and

Originally found on Summer site, these resources are great for personal use or for lesson plans, if you are trying to cover Native American history and culture.

Learn Dakota: Lesson 1

Dakota Words

Broaden your knowledge and go through some of the lessons. Connect with our country’s history and see a culture through a different perspective. Send us back your comments/thoughts on your experience on the language tutorials.

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