Freebie Friday: Man Mending His Canoe (historical photo)

Happy Freebie Friday! It’s the first Friday of 2018, so welcome to a new year of Freebie Fridays. Today’s freebie is associated with our game Fish Lake and it is another photo of Ojibwa camp life. We previously shared a different photo of an Indian woman drying fish.

Today’s photo depicts a man near the water’s edge mending his canoe. You can also see some teepees in the background. Just as the previous photo that we shared, this photo too gives a real glimpse into the Ojibwa camp life.

Mending his canoe

We like to provide photos like these because they really are a great resource to supplement our game Fish Lake. These photos really help bring the game to life. This photo, previous historical photos that we’ve shared and others can be found on our Fish Lake Photos website page. There you can find great photos of Native American life provided by the Library of Congress website.

Feel free to head over to our Fish Lake Photos page and the Library of Congress website to find more Native American life photos to use at home or in your classroom.

You can also find other great teacher resources for our games on our Teacher Resources page. There you’ll find powerpoint presentations, videos, activities, links and more that you can also use in the classroom, at home or for any other educational need. Check those out too!

Hope everyone had a great first week of the new year. See you next week for another Freebie Friday!

Fish Lake - The Game

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