July 16, 2024

The Boring, but Very Clear and Very Easy to Access Version of the Schedule

Welcome to our company!

It’s your first day at 7 Generation Games. Congratulations. This syllabus – or overview of everything we will be doing in the next few weeks – gives you a full breakdown all 10 sessions.

LEVEL 1: Intro to Game Design

Introduction to all things game design. A brief overview of what to expect from the class and introduction to game design, including:

What do we do in these workshop sessions?

Who does what in the game design process? What are the basic jobs in a game studio?

An intro to basic terminology around game design.

Activity: Vocab Games

Activity: Play Game(s) and “What’s this game about?” sheet

LEVEL 2: Testing

Testing: Your entry into the world of Game Design.

Learn about Bugs and Enhancements.

Intro to Bugzilla.

Activity: Start testing and filing bugs.

LEVEL 3: Become a Designer

Using stories to bring characters to life.

Learn about Backstories.

Activity: Create a character backstory.

Activity: Designing Your Game – Story

LEVEL 4: Creative Director

Learn about how ideas become games.

Activity: Understanding Types of Games

Activity: Design Cards

Activity: Designing Your Game – Mechanics

LEVEL 5: Project Management

Learn what a project manager does.

Activity: Team Meeting

Level 6: Art

Learn about art and animation.

Activity: Concept Art

Activity: Designing Your Game – Art

Level 7: Sounds

Learn about types of sound and how it’s used in games.

Activity: Looking for sounds

Activity: Designing Your Game – Sound

Level 8: Code

Learn about coding.

Level 9: Preparing to Pitch

Working together to craft a design

Presentation Tips

Activity: Prepare Design Presentation

Level 10: Game Design Meeting

Pitch Your Level for 7 Generation Games