It has been a couple of years since the last Gathering of Nations. That’s what made this annual Southwestern powwow extra special this past weekend. Albuquerque was uncannily calm and sunny compared to other areas of New Mexico, where wind storm warnings were in effect. Everyone was ready for the powwow and we think more people than expected actually came. The lines were long and I’m now sporting a New Mexico sun tan, but the ice-cold lemonade cooled us off. We had such a great time talking to everyone who visited our booth to talk about 7 Generation Games and our teacher training program, Growing Math.

The new Miss Indian World was crowned on Saturday. Her name is Tashina Red Hawk and she is Sicangu Lakota Oyate from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota.
Saturday evening we went outside and saw this large, glowing tipi. The night was still young and the hot afternoon sun had long set.