GDC, ASU-GSV, MSU and TED-X – Meet AnnMaria at all the letters

map of Great Plains states and Great Lakes
TL; DR ; You can meet our president, Dr. AnnMaria De Mars at the Game Developers Conference, happening this week in San Francisco. She’ll also be at ASU-GSV in San Diego, April 6-10, in Minot doing a workshop and attending the MSU powwow April 25-26, and in Fargo for TedX from July 23-25th. If you’d like to meet up, email her at or message her on LinkedIn
You can sign up for the game design workshop in Minot, and get more information here.
Mandan woman in front of corn and squash plants. Caption says "The idea of growing crops that take different nutrients from the soil is important in sustainable agriculture"
AnnMaria will be at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco March 19-21st. If you’d like to meet up for a demo of 7 Gen Blocks, to see games we’ve made with blocks or to discuss a customized game built for you, she’d be happy to see you. On Thursday, at GDC nights, she’ll be showing our game Follow the Bubbles, made during a weekend a Global Game Jam.

April 6-10, you can meet up with AnnMaria at the AI Show or ASU-GSV, both in San Diego. She’d be happy to talk with you about 7 Gen Blocks or other upcoming developments.

On April 25th, you can find AnnMaria at Minot State University, doing a demo of our game STEM on the Lewis & Clark Trail, with Dr. Dan Conn and Professor Juliana Taken Alive.  If you’d like to sign up to be part of our third (and final) co-designing games on Indigenous and rural history cohort, you can find more information and sign up here.  This program is funded through the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program.

If you’re one of those people that plans your schedule far ahead, AnnMaria will also be a speaker at TedX Fargo on July 24th. If you’d like to meet up with her on customized games or investing in 7 Generation Games while she’s in town, she’d be happy to meet up.
Boy with white cane and dark glasses in hotel hallway. Floating soap bubbles are to his right.

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