When games are less expensive to make, educational content can be made for markets that have been overlooked – and, a LOT of people have been overlooked.
We are changing the game for:
- Under-served communities in the U.S.
- Overlooked international markets
- Organizations that want to teach a very specific set of content
If that’s you, you can learn all about how to use blocks and get a free demo version at the 7 Gen Blocks site.
Yes, 7 Gen Blocks is made by 7 Generation Games but since most people know us as game producers, and come here looking for games we have made or to get us to make a game for them, we created the 7 Gen Blocks site for people who are wanting to make their own games.
If you were actually looking to have us make a game for you, you can get more information and a quote on our customized development page.
Want to know more? Not the TL; DR type? Read on!

Games for Underserved U.S. Communities
When it costs $250,000 to make a good educational game, you aren’t going to make one that teaches the Lakota language for the 100,000 Lakota living today or the 1,000,000 Guatemalan immigrants.
Decades of research has shown that students learn better when material is presented in contexts that are familiar to them. Making Camp Lakota, for example, teaches about Lakota history and culture, includes instruction in basic division, with games like “Earn your horse” and can be played in English or Lakota.
Games for International Markets
When tech companies look to international markets, it is often China or India. However, there are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a median population of 6.6 million, slightly smaller than the state of Indiana. Using blocks to develop games rapidly (and, hence, cheaper), it becomes cost-effective to create games for smaller national markets. For example, Yaima Presenta Manuel Rodriguez teaches Chilean middle school history

Whatever you are teaching, maintaining interest is a challenge – make it into a game!
A huge amount of content, from learning an Indigenous language to financial literacy for young farmers to workplace training could be a great game but it’s been cost-prohibitive -until now. Disaster Deduction Detectives teaches basic statistics – measures of central tendency. Growing Your Garden teaches the economics of vegetable gardens.
I’m convinced! Sign me up to get a demo of the beta version and get a free one-year license.
Still want more detail? You’re my type. Read more here about what blocks will do.