Intern Spotlight: Meet Aahanaa!

Hi! My name’s Aahanaa and I’m an intern at 7 Generation Games. I go to college in Saint Paul but I’m originally from Kolkata, India.

Why 7 Generation Games:

I knew early on that I had a passion for both art and technology but for a good chunk of my school life, I didn’t have access to coding or game making and I’d seek out places I could go and people I could learn from. At college, I’ve been given the tools and the opportunity to meld them in the perfect ways. Game development is right up my alley and combines my love for Software Development with my passion for Art and Design. Now that I have access, I want to help bring that to as many other people as I can, even in small ways. That’s why 7 Generation Games is perfect for me because I can help students like me access the resources at lower costs!

Having moved across the world and met people from so many different backgrounds, I understand the importance of different perspectives and think they are necessary in life and in work. That’s why I love using my people skills to make awesome things with the cool people around me which I get to do everyday at 7 Generation Games!

My role:

Everyday, I sit down at my laptop and test and fix the games you play to make them better! And I don’t just fix bugs, I also add new features, make artwork and make things fit together better. 🙂 Right now, I’m working on the beta of Making Camp Navajo to turn it into version 1.0!

I enjoy having a role that involves a lot of different tasks where I can wear different hats because I learn so much more. This internship is just that. I get to make art, code game features, fix bugs, playtest, write documentation, update the websites or even little things like write FAQs. I love thinking of questions to ask, I always have the best questions.

More about me:

Problem solving is one of my favorite things to do. Puzzles, mysteries, code errors – as annoying as they may get, the immense satisfaction I get from solving or fixing something is unmatchable. I thrive on problems I can solve. Fun Fact: I can predict what’s going to happen in any movie/show correctly 90% of the time. I also love iterating over the same thing and varying small things to get a better result. The process of iteration and pushing limits is really fun!

My hobbies:

I love making art with my hands. Creating something solid, and 3 dimensional, that I can touch and feel is the most amazing thing. My art often explores textures and new techniques combined with new technology to make unique objects with fun textures.

I also love growing plants! I grew a backyard garden last summer for the first time and I’m already planning my next garden as soon as this Minnesotan (non)winter goes away.


In conclusion:

Combining tech and art at this internship helps me develop games that are unique and aesthetic without compromising on functionality or efficiency. It feeds my need for being challenged and provides me with constant puzzles in the form of improvement and problem solving. I know that this is the kind of job I want when I graduate and that’s a big step for me and my future plans!

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