I feel as if I’ve been neglecting our elementary school teachers for a while, and some of you have let me know it. After releasing a new game for middle school students late last year (Warrior Vets) and lessons for middle school and high school social studies, I know I owe you elementary educators.
So, introducing our new game Follow the Bubbles
Evil Bob and Rotten Jan have robbed Metropolitan Museum. The police have captured the thieves but what happened to the irreplaceable primary sources? Noah and Alex solve math and social studies challenges to find the missing documents and artifacts.

What makes this game special?
First of all, your students may be the first kids in the world to play it! This was made as part of the Global Game Jam, an annual challenge in which developers make a game over a weekend. Yes, we started on Friday night and released the game yesterday.
(Read to the end for a second feature that we hope you don’t notice.)
As well as our in-house game testers, we do have a focus group of actual kids who play our games but, being kids, they were busy this weekend with important things like Cub Scouts and meeting their new baby cousin. Since, as part of the game jam, we had to release the game on Sunday, we thought it might be fun for some classrooms to be the first kids in the world to play a game.
A fourth-grade Common Core standard is:
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Even if your state has not adopted Common Core, we are guessing that you teach something similar. In my experience, students are more motivated and excited about an assignment when it has a real world application.
Here is one recommended assignment . Feel free to copy and modify it to suit your class.
Objective: We are going to be one of the first classes in the world to play a new game. Write an opinion piece about the video game “Follow the Bubbles.” Explain what you liked and didn’t like about the game and provide recommendations for improvement.
- First, pass out the assignment in advance so students can be thinking about this as they play the game.
- Have students play the game, Follow the Bubbles.
- If you think it would be more motivating for your students to really send their opinions to the developers and get written feedback, you are welcome to email admin@7generationgames.com with their papers attached. You can even take pictures on your phone and text us at (310) 804-9553 and we will respond to your class. We won’t grade your papers (sorry) but we will send a response to each suggestion and let you know if we are working on it.
Content taught or reviewed in the game
The mathematics in Follow the Bubbles is multiplication of one-digit numbers, multiplication of two-digit numbers and division. In two mini-games (tic-tac-toe and caves and trees), they need to answer math problems to win. This is a review of mathematics students should already know, simply practice to retain information.

Social Studies content includes discussion of primary sources and examples of primary sources from the Lewis and Clark expedition. There are three hangman games where students need to guess a vocabulary word related to the expedition or primary sources.
What else makes this game special?
As we mentioned, we made this game over a weekend, but that’s not what’s special about it. We created it to be equally accessible to students who were visually impaired, hearing impaired or have a reading disability. To design the game, we worked with a teacher for visually impaired students who is herself blind. We started with what games her students could play. Then, we tested the entire game with a screen reader. For students who have a reading disability, we added a speaker icon to almost every page that reads the text in the voice of one of the characters. This feature can also be used by visually impaired students. For hearing impaired students, information and instruction on each page is given in text as well.