Hello Educators! The Math Innovation Network has instructional tools available!
The Math Innovation Network is a national group of educators and software developers who builds tools for multisensory engagement and learning. Educators, administrators and parents can download the Ready Now brochure that links to educational games, tools and solutions. These solutions have been research-backed and tested. They are ready for in-person, hybrid, or fully remote learning and instruction.

Brochure PDF available here or at http://readynowmath.org/
YouTube playlist – The 2020 Math UnConference video playlist is useful for unpacking these resources for instruction. (This link is on page 2 of the PDF.)
Math UnConference Keynote – Keith Devlin
The Math UnConference, held on April 23, 2020, provided teachers with tools and resources for online learners. Stanford mathematician and NPR Math Guy Dr. Keith Devlin addressed multisensory learning in his keynote presentation. Multisensory experiences are key to learning about our world. Math is not all calculations on a worksheet from day one — math is everywhere in our daily lives. It’s a science of patterns. It’s a toolbox. A language.
Presentation by 7 Generation Games
At the Math UnConference, CEO Maria Burns Ortiz presented new lesson designs for at-home learning along with our educational resources and free tools to help students achieve learning outcomes. You can view Maria’s tool supplements here. For questions and how we can help with our educational games, contact us and we’ll be happy to chat.
Explore 7 Generation Games
Better educational games are ready for your students. Read about us in the Ready Now brochure and explore the rest of our site. You can also donate our software to a classroom or school in need.
Our Teacher Resources website
7 Generation Games has free lesson plans available for you! Visit teacher.7generationgames.com to discover more free resources for your class.