Dr. Rhadi Ferguson – More than Ordinary Everything!
We celebrate our first year of podcasting with the amazing Dr. Rhadi Ferguson discussing everything from parenting to racism to life after sport. In case you don't know, Dr. Ferguson is a 2004 Olympian in judo, inducted into the Howard University Hall of Fame for three additional sports- wrestling, track and football. He wrote a masters thesis on corporal punishment in African-American families and a doctoral dissertation on the effectiveness of the NFL bench press test. He is an author, judo coach, personal and executive coach, professor, husband and father.

Kirsten Dirksen gets my vote for podcast guest.
Her youtube channel states the following: Videos about simple living, self-sufficiency, small (and tiny) homes, backyard gardens (and livestock), alternative transport, DIY, craftsmanship and philosophies of life.
My favourite video is a road trip in a vw van with three young kids. I think rv’s and van life may be an easy way to get views, as they are hugely popular on youtube. Some road trips in Belize or the U.S. could be good fodder for your reality show. (Express how it would be good for home/rv schooled kids. Even if there is no market for that, you still benefit from viewers who watch for entertainment value.)
I also nominate Les Stroud a.k.a Survivor man. I think he would have great insight into your games and reality show given his background in primitive survival and video production. He may have some ideas on how you could perform your math tasks using primitive/aboriginal techniques…I see some friendly competition somewhere there.
These are great suggestions! We’ll follow up with them.