
Last week, 7 Generation Games flew to North Dakota to install our educational video games in five schools on two reservations. AnnMaria De Mars, CEO of 7 Generation Games, has explained MANY times the importance of being prepared for any situation because there are frequently situations that occur where technology just doesn’t […]

Expect the Unexpected

7 Generation Games flew to North Dakota this week to meet with school superintendents and teachers to install our educational video games in their classrooms and computer labs. Altogether we met with 52 teachers on our trip and and provided on-site training at five different schools. We were able to visit schools on the Turtle Mountain […]

7 Generation Games North Dakota Tour

Ojibwa 1
Featuring cake, singing by yours truly and video games Two days and a couple thousand miles later We installed Fish Lake and the newly-released super-improved Spirit Lake 2015 at Ojibwa Indian School. We’ll be installing both games in five schools in North Dakota this week. We’re scheduled to go into […]

Fish Lake Release Celebration

Santa Monica New Tech is having an epic REUNION party tonight!  Our CEO, Dr. AnnMaria De Mars, will be presenting this evening and discussing 7 Generation Games newest project. Interested in learning what our newest project will be? Check out the slideshow below.   [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”Santa Monica New Tech Reunion”]    

Dr. AnnMaria De Mars announces 7 Generation Games Web App

The children are heading back to school, you’re thinking about putting away the decorations, swearing you really will send out Christmas cards next year. To finish off the season, here is our annual holiday letter, sent when we all have a moment to get a cup of coffee and catch […]

A Christmas Letter from 7 Generation Games

It’s Friday and here’s your freebie from 7 Generation Games. This week we are featuring several PowerPoint presentations that you can download for free from our website. The presentations are also available for download in a PDF format. All of these resources were developed to complement the common core-aligned concepts as they relate to […]

Freebie Friday: PowerPoint presentations that teach math