
The last post was hopefully a titillating introduction to Dr. AnnMaria De Mars, Dr. Yolanda Venegas, and Marisol Castillo’s research. More on their investigation of what makes a good game here! They found that there are certain features that make particular games more effective than others, a couple of which are proudly […]

Are they really learning? How educational are educational games continued.

It is the end of June, which means that summer is here again and the weather in Los Angeles could not be any more beautiful! The markets are brimming with fresh, seasonal produce, the boutiques with the latest travel and swimwear styles, the beaches with Angeleans and vacationers alike working […]

Summer is Here Again!

Our cultural consultant, Dr. Longie, wrote: “My mother, a fluent Dakota language speaker, said this about her beloved Dakota language: “It’s very descriptive; you say what you mean and you mean what you say.” This inherent honesty in our Dakota/Lakota/Nakota language made it hard for a Dakota person to be […]

Dakota Values and Games