
We’ll be sending all of our pre-release purchasers a link to a new update this week, just because we want you to have it. What this update includes: Self-install for Windows (no more extracting files, creating your own shortcut). Plus a nice little buffalo icon on your desktop. More sound […]

New Update this Week

Whenever I read articles about the need for more diversity in tech start-ups it is with mixed feelings. While I completely agree with the sentiment that we need more than “Zuckerberg clones selling to yuppies”, the typical comment like in this Fast Company article that companies targeting a diverse market […]

We are not a unicorn!

Here at 7 Generation Games, we’ve been working on perfecting our pitch. Contrary to what it might seem like when you see someone present an outstanding pitch, a pitch that looks effortless is anything but. We all know those people who say, “I don’t want to practice what I’m going […]

Pitch Perfect