
Here are some activities, projects, and experiments that can be done in class or at home. Some are USDA and others are from Ag in the Classroom. Here are 12 for today. Elementary School Science Resources Pre-K to 2nd grade Eggology – will learn what a chick needs for survival […]

Free Agricultural Science Resources for Grades 3-8

On the first day of the 7 Generation Games Christmas Countdown, 7 Generation Games gave to me… Making Camp: Ojibwe Play online here Get it in the Apple App Store  Get it for Android Don’t forget to check back here daily for more gifts from us to you, or follow […]

Countdown to Christmas, Day 1: Making Camp Ojibwe photo of solitary masked teacher at a desk
Indigenous People Make History It has been a historical year for Native American voters and leaders in office. Six Native American candidates were elected to Congress in 2020–a record as only 23 Native Americans have served in Congress since the founding of the United States. Many Native professionals, like U.S. […]

Student Engagement Strategies for 2020