While parents choose to homeschool for a wide variety of reasons – at the end of the day, there’s one driving factor at the center of that decision – the best interest of their child.

Even if you know that homeschool is the right choice for your child – that doesn’t mean it’s easy. As rewarding as homeschool can be, it’s also a lot of work. It can feel especially challenging when your child has special education needs. That’s why we’re so excited to be a partner organization with SPED Homeschool.
SPED Homeschool provides numerous special education resources, describing the site as purpose as “‘Helping Students Succeed Through Parent-Directed Special Education Homeschooling’ by giving parents the resources, information, support, and encouragement needed every day of their homeschooling journey.”
One of the resources SPED Homeschool offers is a list of curriculum partners so you can find the best material for your child’s education. (Yes, we are on that list! You’ll also find a number of other great companies as well.)
They offer are weekly podcasts and regular Facebook Live events, interviewing a variety of guests to discuss different aspects of homeschooling a special needs child. If you are considering homeschooling your child but you don’t know if it is right fit for your family, listen to this podcast about making that decision.
You can also access a directory of therapy partners. These partners work to help students reach their full potential in life, not just academics.
If you are new to the special experience, AnnMaria has some information for you.
7 Generation Games understands many of the challenges that come with working with students in special education.
7 Generation Games was initially developed to help students below grade-level improve their math scores by creating games that provide scaffolding, multiple methods of instruction and individualized learning – all of which are beneficial to students who are struggling. Part of our design also draws from “the high-interest, low-reading level” approach to create engaging educational experiences for students working to master math skills.
Our “Parenting Like I Know What I’m Doing” ebook includes several sections on teaching students with special needs.
While our games align to standards from Grade 3-8, our games were designed for learners. That means, if a student is learning fractions – whether in 2nd grade or 6th grade – Fish Lake is for that kid. (Regardless, of fractions being labeled a “4th grade” standard.)