Most Common Teacher Question – “How do I set up student usernames and passwords?”
Each student needs an individual username and password to play.
To stay organized, here are some quick tips.
Username requirements
- The username cannot already be in use.
- A username can’t have any blank spaces or special characters. JoeBlow is okay. Joe Blow or Joe&Blow is not.
Three ways to set up student usernames and passwords
Note: We do not keep any personally identifying information! (We can’t tell you if “Fred Flintstone” is actually “Joe Schmoe” at Jamestown Elementary.)
- Players can make up their own.
- If playing at school, you can assign students their usernames. Usually teachers assign them as some students are likely to forget their usernames/passwords.
- If your students are playing at school, you may send us a request–at least 48 hours in advance!–for a list of new usernames and passwords you can assign to your students in a formatted doc you can use to print out labels, or cut and place as slips of paper on your students’ desks.
Other Relevant Information
- The usernames and passwords tracks players’ progress in the game and also, for most games, records the quizzes and responses to answers.
- Teachers can look up individual student progress by username.