If this is your first visit to our website, thank you for taking the time to read our blog and let us introduce ourselves. We are a company that combines math, Native American history and adventure gaming into our video games. The video clip below demonstrates the (awesome) video games that […]
7 Generation Games

We have some company-focused, frequently-asked questions about 7 Generation Games. Let’s tackle a bunch here. FAQs Have you gotten any other funding? Short answer, yes. Longer answer here. Do you offer additional resources for teachers with the game? Short answer, yes. Longer answer here. What’s your long term vision? Click […]
FAQs: 7 Generation Games

So … it has been a crazy week. I am writing this (AnnMaria) because our CMO, Maria, is currently on a flight back to the east coast. We’ve been a little lax on posting updates (although we have actually been working on the game) because Ronda had a UFC world […]
Planning new levels: Counting coup

Now for something a little bit different. In our last update, we unveiled a new $50 reward and talked about the role of UFC champion Ronda Rousey in our game’s development. However, we get a lot of questions about the tech, development and design side of our game as well. Today we unveil […]