Educational Games

It’s time for another Freebie Friday! Today’s freebie is from Fish Lake and it’s a video called “Meeting in the Middle”. This video teaches you about fractions, equivalent fractions, and how fractions are used in the real world. Click on the video or link below to learn about fractions. Meeting […]

Freebie Friday: Meeting in the Middle

Hello everyone, it’s time for another Freebie Friday. Today’s freebie is associated with Spirit Lake and it’s a historical photo. The historical photo depicts a mother and a child. We have shared this picture in the past, but with Mother’s Day coming up we thought it was worth re-sharing. This […]

Freebie Friday: Mother and Child historical photo

teaching 2
A few of my friends are joining the Teach for America staff after graduation. Teach for America’s mission is to ensure that low-income students have access to teachers. They recruit college graduates and train them in an accelerated program before placing them in low-income schools.The program varies by region, but […]

Can Anyone with a College Degree Teach?

7 Generation Games will be at the 41st Annual California Conference on American Indian Education (CCAIE) this upcoming March 18th-20th in Los Angeles. The theme of this year’s conference is “Indian Education: Anything is Possible”. This will be our first time at this conference and are excited to be a […]

Come and say hi! – 41st CCAIE, “Indian Education: Anything ...

It’s that time of the week again. You guessed it, it’s time for another Freebie Friday! Today’s freebie is from Spirit Lake and it’s a powerpoint presentation and pdf on probability. The ppt and pdf are an introduction to probability, probability 101. The material teaches you what probability is and […]

Freebie Friday: Probability

Hello everyone! Happy Freebie Friday, where you get educational resources as freebies. Today’s freebie comes from Fish Lake and it’s a powerpoint and pdf on multiplying fractions. Previously we shared a video on adding and multiplying fractions as a Freebie Friday. This powerpoint and pdf is related to that video. […]

Freebie Friday: Multiplying Fractions