Whether you want the world to learn about the importance of turtles, cultural differences in bead work design or how to compute quartiles of temperature readings, you can make a game for it.
“My labels were born from my hustle.” Jeremy Arviso Jeremy D. Arviso is a man on a mission. He has a passion for multimedia art, which encompasses graffiti, fashion design, and traditional techniques. Arviso is strongly influenced by his grandmother, a weaver and silversmith who inspired his creativity. He found […]
Yá’át’ééh ‘abiní. The 7 Generation Games design team finished the first phase of Making Camp Navajo, which included brainstorming, drafting, and outlining cultural scripts and mini-games. Throughout our first phase, we were accompanied by our wonderful and highly knowledgable Dine’ cultural consultants, Albert B. Chase of Dine’ Pollen Trail Consulting, […]
G4C is excited to announce that the 17th annual Games For Change Festival will be virtual! For the first time, registration will be free to all participants – drawing a global audience to explore how video games and immersive media foster resilience, connectedness, and well-being. That being said… We are excited to […]
Welcome to 7 Generation Games’ blog post, if this is the first time you’re with us, we invite you to follow us on our social networks to find out about educational games, technology applied in teaching and more. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT CHILDREN? According to Kidshealth.org, although it […]
In our travels throughout the country, we constantly seek feedback from teachers and students on what they like about our games and what additions/improvements they would make. Dr. AnnMaria De Mars recently stopped by Ojibwa Indian School and Tate Topa Tribal School, located in North Dakota, to test our games […]
We have put FISH LAKE on STEAM Greenlight. STEAM is the digital distribution platform, that gives users access to over 3,500 games from big titles to indie games. Now we need your help! The way STEAM Greenlight works is that once a game is submitted to be released on […]
Stacy & Nicole from URL Radio visit with Dr. AnnMaria DeMars founder of 7 Generation Games, 1st American to win a Judo world title, author of “Winning On The Ground”, blogger, successful consultant, mother to four daughters one of which is the UFC World Champion, Ronda Rousey. Check out the […]