With some schools districts going back to school lately, the “new normal” seems increasingly latent. However, this so-called “new normal” as its name implies, comes to replace many aspects of our daily pre-pandemic lives. In this sense, it is necessary to have a “new school at school.”
This new school normality has been enhanced by the use of technology in the process of learning and evaluating students remotely. Although there is still much to improve—such as the reduction of the digital divide for those students with fewer resources—and access to connectivity—which allows an optimal connection to the internet to develop a class—our new normal at school should not only lead to the development of new digital aspects, but also lead to a change in the way we interact and coexist.
The change in behavior must be a process in which students and teachers adopt the new hygiene and relationship measures with acceptance and understanding that they are measures to avoid contagions. Consider the following measures, according to the World Health Organization:
- Use hand sanitizer regularly
- Maintain physical distance.
- Use a mask or tissue to cover your mouth and nose during coughs or sneezes; wash hands afterward.
- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Stay home if you have symptoms of even a mild cold.
- Avoid anyone with symptoms of an illness.
If in this “new school normal” your children start learning from home, we invite you to try our educational games to supplement their remote lessons and prevent learning loss.
- Students who had played 7 Generation Games math apps for an average of 30 minutes, twice a week, improved their math scores by 50%.
- Students in the two control groups who played the games less frequently improved math scores by 10%.