To Solve a Math Problem (in Spanish or English): Visualize!

One book I highly recommend for anyone who teaches math above the the fourth grade level, all the way up to doctoral students, is Writing to Teach Mathematics and Science. Connolly and Vilardi give a TON of ideas, including drawing out the problem.

Students were so engaged with (meaning they didn’t whine and quit watching!) with  videos from Spirit Lake: The Game that we also included a couple of these in Making Camp – Bilingual. The video explains that one way to solve a problem .

Problem-solving tip: Visualize

This video shows how visualizing a problem can make it simpler to solve if you use objects to imagine amount of numbers being counted in certain problems.


Este video te enseña cómo visualizar un problema te ayuda a resolver un problema más fácilmente si usas objetos para imaginarte cantidades de números en ciertos problemas.

Also, for only $1.99 you can get Making Camp Bilingual, with 12 videos and 6 math activities, all in Spanish and English, you can get the game for iPad on the app store.

You can also get the game for Mac/ Windows or Chromebook from our website.

magnets in Spanish

Check here for another bilingual problem-solving resource – make it an easier problem.

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