We’ll Be at the 2022 NJOMA Conference!

You read the title correctly. That’s right, we’ll be at the 2022 National Johnson-O’Malley Association (NJOMA) Conference next week! At 7 Generation Games, we’ve attended our fair share of events and conferences throughout the years. However, this will be our first time attending the NJOMA Conference so we are excited to exhibit at a new conference. Well, new to us at least. So if you’ll be attending the 2022 NJOMA Conference, please stop by our table and say hi. We’d love to chat and let you know what we have going on at 7 Generation Games.

Wait, there’s more! We will also have a workshop at the NJOMA Conference which you can attend, if you’re attending the conference. Our workshop, “Growing Math: Classroom-Ready Resources to teach Math, Agricultural Science and Indigenous Culture for Grades 3-8” will be this upcoming Tuesday. Full details below! We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Workshop Information

“Growing Math: Classroom-Ready Resources to teach Math, Agricultural Science and Indigenous Culture for Grades 3-8”

7 Generation Games

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

1:30 – 2:45 PM Pacific Time

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